Sconto con la carta di Praga

Get tours 25% discounted!

Just buy the Prague Card at AKASI Tourist Info Centre Na Prikope Street no. 3 and book a tour with us.

When paying for a tour at Martin Tour departure point, you receive 25% off the price.

You even have Tour No. 1 "PRAGUE HISTORICAL CITY" free of charge.

How to make a booking?

Send us an online booking and put the note that you are bringing the Prague Card. You receive the authomatic response and confirmation voucher. You pay a discounted tour or receive the free tour on the spot by the tour departure.

Send us email at "Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo." with the following details:

  • tour number
  • date
  • departure time and point
  • number of participants
  • language of commentary
  • note that you are bringing the Prague Card

 PragueCard 2019