Prague Card Discounts

Get tours 25% discounted!

Just buy the Prague Card at AKASI Tourist Info Centre Na Prikope Street no. 3 and book a tour with us.

When paying for a tour at Martin Tour departure point, you receive 25% off the price.

You even have Tour No. 1 "PRAGUE HISTORICAL CITY" free of charge.

How to make a booking?

Send us an online booking and put the note that you are bringing the Prague Card. You receive the authomatic response and confirmation voucher. You pay a discounted tour or receive the free tour on the spot by the tour departure.

Send us email at "This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it." with the following details:

  • tour number
  • date
  • departure time and point
  • number of participants
  • language of commentary
  • note that you are bringing the Prague Card

 PragueCard 2019